How It Works

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Unlocking Your Journey with the
Lightworker Empowerment Alliance


Submit Your Application

Begin your journey by submitting the application to join the alliance. The application can be found by clicking the menu button on the home page of this website or by clicking here.



Once your application is approved, you’ll receive an email containing instructions and the alliance contracts for you to sign. Once complete, you will receive a unique code that grants you access to create a login on our platform where you’ll find a dashboard equipped with guidance on setting up your shop and what to do next.


Assist Clients and Generate Sales

Once your shop is set up, we will do our part to ensure you have clients. Members of our alliance typically start assisting clients and generating sales within just 3 weeks, with ongoing growth in revenue often exceeding well over $10,000 dollars per month.


Profit Sharing

In exchange for your success, 25% of your profits are remitted by you to the alliance on a bi-weekly basis.


Continuous Support

Throughout your journey, you’ll be guided and supported every step of the way, ensuring you thrive both financially and professionally.
By joining the Lightworker Alliance, you’re not only contributing to the greater good, one client at a time, but also achieving financial prosperity for yourself. Take the step towards a rewarding and impactful life by applying to join us today.
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